Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus (between 25 August and 31 October 1451 – 20 May 1506) was an Italian explorer and navigator who completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, opening the way for European exploration and colonization of the Americas. (wiki)

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Alcala de Henares Was received here in 1486 by Isabella the Catholic to discuss the funding of his travels (nomination file)
Cidade Velha Stopped off here
Cordoba Received by Ferdinand and Isabella in the Alcazar
Forts and Castles Gold Coast "In late 1481 or early 1482 Columbus sailed to the Portuguese fortress of Elmina, in what is now Ghana, on the western coast of Africa. Columbus was impressed with the riches Africa offered, especially gold. In addition, like all good navigators, he was eager to learn about winds and ocean currents from the local pilots and sailors. In the waters off the coast of Africa and the nearby Canary Islands Columbus first observed the ocean phenomenon known as the Canaries Current. Knowledge of this fast-moving current running west of the Canary Islands could well have been the reason that Columbus later chose to start his crossing of the Atlantic in the latitude of the Canaries, far south of Spain or Portugal.
Galapagos Islands Their official Ecuadorian name is "Archipiélago de Colón" or "Islas de Colón". However, Columbus never went there.
Ibiza His place of birth, according to a (disputed) theory
Old Havana Location of his remains from 1795 to 1898
Portobelo-San Lorenzo Columbus is said to have named Portobelo "Puerto Bello" in 1502, when he stopped in this harbour on his 4th trip to the New World.
Salamanca He appeared before the "School of Salamanca" (a Renaissance board of theologians) in the church of San Sebastian at Salamanca
Santa Maria de Guadalupe It was here in Extremadura where Christopher Columbus made his first pilgrimage after discovering America in 1492 and where he first thanked heaven for his discovery. (wiki)
Santo Domingo Ciudad Colonial - the first settlement made by Columbus and the Spanish explorers in the New World
Seville Christopher Columbus and his son Diego are buried in the Seville cathedral
Teide National Park Columbus' first voyage, when he made his discover, he expressly names Mt. Teide. In 1571, Fernando Columbus described his version of this voyage in his History of the Admiral: "Then the Admiral returned to the Canaries and with his work and diligence and that of Martín Alonso and the rest prepared La Pinta well; and then they came to La Gomera. They saw a great fire rising from the mountain on the island of Tenerife, which is extraordinarily tall". (nom file)


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